Monday, February 19, 2007

Civil and Public law

There are two big parts of English law, which there will be shortly discribed: civil and public law. Civil law concerns disputes among citizens within a country, and public law deals with lawsuits between citizens and the state, or between one state and another.

The main differences of public and civil law are:
1.The prosecution must prove the guilt of a criminal "beyond reasonable doubt", otherwise, the plaintiff in a civil suit can prove his case "on the balance of probabilities";
2.In a civil law a private person can bring a criminal prosecution against another person, whereas criminal actions are almost always started by the state;
3.In a criminal trial evidence is not necessarily admissable, but in a civil action about the same matter it is.

Evenmore, there are many point of contact between criminal and civil law. The standart of proof in the civil case is lower than it was in the criminal case, that means, that the guilty defendant in a criminal action have a little chances to avoid civil liability about the same matter.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

My future profession

My future profession is a social worker. This is work with people, helping then to solve their problems, consulting in difficult situations, sometimes to give a financial support. I think it is a very interesting profession for me, because i like to listen to people, to give them advise and to help them.
Social work is quit a new profession in Lithuania,that's why, there are not so many quilified social workers and the salary is truly too little for such a hard work. Society is not good informed who is the social worker, what exact work he does, wht is a huge responsibility for him and etc. Goverment is not appreciate the social work for now, that is the main reason, because this job is not very popular and not well paid.
But nevertheless all these reasons i still want do be a good, quilified social worker, and i will. Because our future of society is basicly handed on us- THE SOCIAL WORKERS.