Employment law is a law, which protects rights of workers, assesses duties of employers.
The main reasons, why employment law has developed so quickly and liken not long time ago, were industrialization and the power of employers, which was too big. The most part of legislation were made in 20th century. There were made o lot of new issues, laws and agreements, which warrant the equal right for employees, between men and women, against the cheesing of children and etc.
The basic 8 employment rights are:
1. Employees have to make a written summary of what they are doing at work;
2. A right to the maternity leave;
3. The summary of employees should be at least of a one week, if employment is to be ended;
4. A right for employees to the compensation in the reason of the unfair dismissal;
5. People working part-time are less protected;
6. The pensioners are not compensated for redundancy;
7. The employer can not dismiss a sick worker, unless the employer is a small business;
8. Companies, which have less than 5 workers do not have to re-employ a woman after the pregnancy.
Employees, who are not satisfied about being unfairly dismissed, can apply to the European Court, and hope, that their claim would be granted, because sometimes EC law gives better protection to the workers. EC purpose is that the all laws in all member countries would be equal and harmonized, because at the present-day, there are many of differences in each countries, for example, Sunday trading allows to sell whisky but not coffee and etc. But the one of the best rights of EC law is the right to strike.
In conclusion could be compared two big laws: Japan law and the western law. In Japan is unusual to take actions against employers, employees have less rights, but if they were hired, they possibly would not ever dismissed. Japan workers feel more secure then western ones and many Japan employees have a big opportunity to live in a big city, because their chiefs provide them a law-cost accommodation.